I'm back again, I have some updates on myself but mostly my grandma. My grandma has been havin some issues, primarily it was her kidneys. She has stage three kidney disease and was scared she was dying, she was in and out of the hospital a bunch for that but it turns out, her kidneys were fine the entire time, her anxiety made her think it was way worse, she was just dehydrated and malnourished. Her anxiety actually ended up distracting her from her real health concerns, she had two herniated disks in her neck! The way they were, they came around her spinal cord and could have paralyzed her if she fell or something, she just had surgery for that yesterday thank goodness, it went well. She didn't even know she was having that at all, she was more scared of her kidneys failing, I'm glad the doctors found it and got it. Right now shes recovering at the hospital and that seems to be going good.
Something I wrote about in my last entry, my birthday was coming up. That has passed by now but I still wanna write about it, I had a nice birthday! I definitely didn't have a perfect birthday but it was nicer than other birthdays of mine have been. The same thing happened as it does every year where my famiily barely tries, they gave me money which is fine but normally my family has a tradition of getting cheesecake and the birthday persons favorite food, we didn't have that this time. My aunt and uncle got me some weights I was wanting, that was good too. I bought myself some alcohol as a newly 21 year old and that was nice, the register at Rutters sings you happy birthday when you buy alcohol on your 21st by thr way, its so cute. My partner went all out for my birthday as they like to, they got me boba and some gifts, one of which was tickets to Monster Jam !! My birthday was january 21 and Monster Jam was february 21 so it was a ways away at the time but I was so excited. I know its after that now but I'm still so hype from it, I put some photos in the scrapbook here, they were so cool. I even got a souvenir Megalodon cup and a Grave Digger shirt, I had so much fun.
Somethin personal, I'm trying to get back in touch with a psychiatrist and therapist, I haven't seen either in a whikle because my psychiatrist moved practices so now I kinda dont have one, my therapist is still the same I just havent seen her in a while, I have an appointment with her coming and I hope to get help with hypochondria and anxiety, I've been having bad issues with that stuff.
Alright I'll end that there I guess, my positive for today is that I had a surprise day off work today and tiomorrow, my bosses couldn't get me on the schedule because they've just been cuttin hours and whatnot which sucks but I'm trying to just see these two days as an extended weekend. I dunno, either way, thanks for reading, I should be back soon ish.
-TW: Disordered eating, social anxiety, slightly sexual content-
I wanted to write a few updates here, one of which is related to my last blog post here.
My grandma was at the doctor and they were talking about how she's lost like forty pounds over the past year, very bad considering she doesn't exercise vigorously, she doesnt even intend to lose any weight in the first place either. After some chattin with the doctor, we have learned that she seemingly has anorexia. The doctors told her she needs to get 2,000 calories every day and she said "how can someone eat that much calories??" which by the way, thats the average amount for an adult person to have, 2,000 is very normal. They also told her "just eat, eat anything you want, get the greasiest, fattiest, grossest burger if you want it, just eat" and one of the doctors said "do you like ice cream, eat some" and my grandma was just very confused. My grandma did listen though and she went to the store to get some ice cream but before buying any of it she called my mom and literally said "which ice cream is most fattening" as if my mom would just have that knowledge??? Very odd but eventually my grandma found one she wanted so hopefully she is eating that and some other stuff, hopefully she's getting her 2,000 calories.
So while on the topic of anxiety and my grandma, who I think I got my anxiety from, I want to talk about something I did today. I went on a walk around my town alone ! So I know that sounds normal and like, somethin everyone does but for me, I didn't have that kind of childhood or life, I grew up in a very rural type area. I never walked around in town, I only learned how to use a cross walk last year and I literally turn 21 in 9 days. I learned what a block in a town or city was when I was seventeen, my ex taught me but she was really confused about it, she said the pizza place we wanted to go to was a few blocks away and I kinda looked at her like "... whats a block" so she had to tell me about that. Anyway, what happened today was this; I needed to pick up my prescription so I went and got that, as i walked out a person looked at me in awe, gestured to my whole body and said "I just love everything about you youre awesome" and after thanking them awkwardly I went back to my van, but then I thought "I know I should head back to the apartment but today looks nice out" and I drove around a bit, I saw various things that I didn't pay as much attention to before and I decided I wanted more of that so I was like "I need to park somewhere but I dont have quarters for any meter" so I kept driving until I saw a magical sign that said parking with an arrow pointing to the right down a small road. I turned there and found a parking lot, I kinda just, parked there. I don't know if its a parking lot for customers of a nearby business or if its anything specific like that but there were other people parked there and no one was around so I parked my dumb corpsegrinder van (I named my van corpsegrinder I dunno if I've mentioned that here) and I just took out my earbuds and walked around. I went down some unfamiliar paths and every one I took led me to a place I actually know. I essentially kept walkin in unfamiliar spots and eventually found familiar spots. While I don't walk around my town a lot I have lived in this area all my life, I do know my way around when driving through but walking was different. The thing that was most different was that I was walking alone. I have walked around town before with other people but this time I was entirely by myself. That spooked me because I have some form of anxiety that makes me very very weary of others opinions (or percieved opinions) of me. When I'm alone in public I essentially believe everyone around is staring at me and judging me and thinking I look like an idiot. Its very weird and irrational, I know, but thats what my brain does for some reason, if I'm alone in public I essentially feel like everyone there wants me to leave or thinks I look like an idiot.
So as I was walking around alone, I literally was just walking, not doing anything, just strolling. I was able to just exist. I got startled a few times because cars yknow but I eventually realized the people in the cars probably don't care about me. It sounds sad but I find that concept comforting. A thing that happened while I was walkin around, I heard some honkin that sounded like a bigger vehicle. I look ahead and at the intersection nearby there was a rig that couldnt turn because there was a car in a difficult position near it, that happens a lot in my area but it was weird to see from on the sidewalk, I normally am in a car when I see it. While I was walking away from that stuff I came across something that scared me... A crosswalk. I only recently learned how to use them so I was so scared, I thought I was gonna do it wrong and have the people in cars think I was some idiot, I thought people would say "youre an adult and dont know how to use a crosswalk, what an idiot" but I still tried it anyway. I walked up to the button and pressed it, I watched the little sign with the hand on it waiting for that to indicate I can go but it just didnt, it never changed. It felt like it took too long and I was scared I did something wrong so I looked around, the cars passing by were all going straight and no one was going through the spot I wanted to cross... Very odd... I walked across even with the lil hand sign still up, I couldn't take it anymore. I know thats like, not a big deal, the distance I crossed was short anyway so it didn't hold up traffic, and people walk across like that all the time but like, I was so confused about why the sign didn't change, I literally thought either I broke it or that it was already broken and I was just some dumbass using the broken one. Either way I did survive !
While walking I saw a lot of things, the stores I always pass by but up close now, The churches, a cool lookin gay person, a mom tellin her kid that "its not fun to keep snow in your pocket", and I passed by an apartment building that really really smelled like weed, it just made me wonder if they knew their building smells like weed from outside. Either way I concluded my walk by finding the van again (i honestly didn't mean to I accidentally went in a circle) and i went back to my apartment, happy with myself. So now I feel a bit better about walkin around alone and just, being in public alone but I know I will still have issues with fear about it. I feel like I've improved at least. If my family knew I walked around alone they'd be so shocked, they'd ask like "how did you not get run over, did anyone catcall you, did anyone hurt you, theres so much crime in town" because they're paranoid of course but like, I was fine, I lived.
Another thing I've been doing is embracing my sexual prowess, I guess ? I don't know how else to word it but I've been learning more about myself in a sexual context, I have a sex dedicated spot in my shrines on here now (its a WIP) and I've been posting myself on my NSFW tumblr blog (no i dont feel comfortable sharing it here, yes my partner knows about it). I've posted a few suggestive photos and people have been complimenting me, people actually like it, I honestly didn't think that could happen but I'm glad. I'm kind of insecure honestly but like, seeing how people have been reacting to my posts on my NSFW blog, its been a bit helpful for me and my confidence. I have been paid for photos and videos of my body and I have been paid for conversations of a sexual nature so I knew maybe people would interact but like, they're really nice and accepting on there, its really refreshing. My NSFW blog also helped me develop stronger boundaries. I keep getting messages saying "Hey I'd like to be friends" or "I wanna get to know you" and in response to them, I don't reply. On my main accounts maybe I'd answer that but when my account is all photos of my body and suggestive content, I know youre not just "trying to be my friend" so I just, don't reply to those. I do reply when they say they wanna buy content but thats the only way they'll get a conversation from me.
And thats that for this blog post, I guess to end it with a little positive thing... Thank you to the folks in my life who help make it better and easier, my partner, my friends, strangers on tumblr, thank your for your existence, you've really helped me.
-TW: Overbearing family/emotional incest-
My computer was broken but since its fixed now i have some stuff to write here.
Ive been living with my partner in our first apartment, i think i mentioned that before. Its been really great honestly, ive had time to realize the world isnt what my family said it was and that my family was definitely something that i didnt think they were. My family was emotionally incestuous and a cult, they didnt worship anything but they functioned the way a cult would. No new people in the group, no ones allowed out either, theres strict rules and anything against status quo was immediately shunned, ignored or punished. I didnt know what other term to use in its place but cult definitely fits, same with emotional incest. I say that part because no one had privacy, privacy was seen as taboo and something youd only need if youre “being bad”. If i wanted to sleep with my door closed, that was seen as me “hiding something”. If i wanted to get dressed, i did it directly in front of my closed door so if anyone opened it i could slam my body against the door and close it. All in all, i was rarely allowed to be alone or they’d assume im hiding something or doing something i shouldnt be, this was up until i was seventeen. Another thing, my mom commented sexually on my body often. A lot of talk about my “big butt and “cute feet” and how i “dressed like a hoe” and “looked like a slut”. This was mostly between ages 12-16. I thought it was normal too, turns out hell no its not.
So ive been processing that but then i was slapped with something that kinda set me back a few pegs in regards to family trauma, my grandma was in and out of the hospital for like a month. From like, late november or early december to now, she was in and out of the hospital like every week. My family didnt tell me all the details but ive gathered the following. She has kidney disease, stage three (i knew this prior) and sometimes i think she has various symptoms from that so i think a few times she went for that, one of the big things was that she was dehydrated. The doctor told her to keep hydrated and use the liquid IV drink packets, she has never tried those but her doctor recommended it. My grandma also has major anxiety issues too so trying the liquid IV scared her, we told her its just like gatorade or pedialyte but she just was too scared. She ended up refusing to use it and got dehydrated again, went back to the hospital, got fluids through a legit IV and then the doctor said she should take Ativan for her anxiety. She refused and literally fought the doctor about it, eventually they did get her to take it somehow. At this point shes drinking pedialyte instead for dehydration and hopefully taking Ativan right (my grandpa probably is helping with that) and the doc said her kidney function is good so hopefully that gets better but like, her anxiety was just horrible. She panic googles and thought that my grandpa telling the psychiatrist about her anxiety only “made things worse”. Shes gettin into like, delusional territory. I worry a lot about her but like, i lived with her growing up and my anxiety mirrors hers meaning i probably got mine from her. My mind is trying to battle this, its a lot to process. Part of me is like “she made me this way, my anxiety makes me miserable and she fuckin did this to me” but also “its not her fault, she doesnt do this on purpose” so im having a hard time understanding how i feel and processing it all.
Ive been trying to work on my anxiety too, doing things ive never done, trying new foods, going in public more, that kinda thing. Doing it on my terms, what im comfortable with and having fun, its been a good experience. I can actually go to the pharmacy and get my prescriptions alone now ! My partner has been very supportive with this stuff too, they teach me new things about cooking and being in public that i never got to learn thanks to the whole “my family was a cult” thing. For example, ive been saying “my apologies” when im in someones way or something at work and my partner was able to tell me “hey i think people find that weird, maybe you could say “my bad” or “sorry” or something like that” and it helped me to get a perspective on my own actions so i could learn. Lately ive been saying “pardon” instead and i think it makes people a little less uncomfortable so thats good at least.
I did something ive never done before recently, i went to my towns new years drop thing ! I dont know if other places do this (they probably do) but in my area all the towns drop something related to the name or history of the town for new years, a town near me is called Mechanicsburg and they drop a big wrench for example. Ive never been to one before because my family doesnt like going out so this year I actually went. After work me and my partner and our friend got chinese food, ate at our apartment and then we walked out to the main street in our town and we found some of our friends there, there was a bunch of people and music and stuff so we just talked and danced and stuff. Then they started counting down to the new year and they lowered the big thing they drop, its just like a tiny version of the one in new york and it was really fun. There was a drunk dude tellin us to stay safe too which in my opinion he shoulda thought about himself before us because he was kinda out of it but it was nice anyway.
We were also supposed to hang with my partners dad for his birthday on the second but he was sick so we couldnt, we still have his present and stuff we just want him to be all better before then, we were gonna take him to a buffet place he likes too but we still have yet to do it until hes better.
Speaking of birthday, my birthday is soon, I’ll be turning 21 and that makes me nervous. I’m not nervous about like, drinking or whatever because what, I already do that its fine, I’m nervous because I do not feel like an adult at all. I really dont feel like a 20 year old now so being 21 I’ll probably just feel the same. For me I mostly feel clueless about life right now but I intend to take baby steps and not think too far into the future before I get ahead of myself in the current time. Like right now I hope to make and produce music at some point, I already write songs and play some guitar I just want to record and produce the songs I make. I don’t intend to do anything big with it though, its just for fun I guess. Aside from that I dont have much in mind career wise I guess, maybe I could do college later or something but for now, I just got out of a bad family situation and am only now learning how to do literally everything so I intend to give myself some well needed patience.
Since I like to end these with a positive, my positive will be the fact that I can feel myself growing and solidifying as a person and its kind of enjoyable actually. Its definitely still scary but it feels nice to start feeling more and more sure of myself like I have been, I’ve been able to say nicer things about myself, I feel I’m a relatively decent person in terms of my character and I’ve been able to put up and keep boundaries, I never thought I could do that or that I’d be allowed to but here I am, keeping the people who make me happy and booting the people who don’t, doing more things for myself on my terms and not someone elses, its a nice feeling. And on that note, I’ll probably be back soon, maybe closer to my birthday or something.
Its been a while, again. I know no one really reads these but if anyone does happen to be lurking, heres your update from the past three months that I haven't updated.
I finally moved the fuck out of my moms house thank god. We moved to a nice lil apartment, income based and all, its a cute place with enough space for us and our five cats (they only know we have one but its unfair that we can't find a place that allows five cats, if you'd allow five human children, why not five cats :/). Me and my partner have been decking it out with our own stuff and we found some of our furniture for cheap or for free locally, we got a full sized pleather couch thats in good condition and all, $40. We got a pleather loveseat thats in good condition for free, we got a lil coffee table for free, a full wooden dining table with five chairs and an extending leaf, for free, we got a nice and working A/C for $50, we've been doing pretty good on furniture! I really love how we have these things and they aren't somehow linked to my mom, they are ours, were not borrowing them from her or something, they're ours. I also love that we can set things up how we want, we can choose our own products and food, we can decide for ourselves what we want, I know thats simple and a given but I just never had the opportunity to form my own opinions growing up, my family just never let me.
Another thing that happened, my partner started college. I am not in college because I have no idea what I want to do in life yet but my partner is going to college now for forensics and I think thats really cool. If I could I would do college too but it just wouldnt work for us right now and I have no idea what I'd go for.
Since moving out I've been discovering a lot of trauma that I repressed because I wasn't safe to discuss or process it while I was living with my family. I've learned a lot of things about myself and I'm trying to all around be better and learn from my mistakes instead of hating myself for them, I've been feeling a lot of emotions surrounding my traumas and my mental state and my existence as a whole, I'm overall very overwhelmed being alive. I still have the suicidal ideation I've always had but I try to dwell on it less now if that makes sense ?
Wish I wrote a whole blog about this but I went with my partner, their dad n their brother to Ocean City, Maryland in June and it was really fun. We went to all the dorky boardwalk stores and to the Ripley Museum with the big shark on the building, we played in the water at the beach, it was really fun. My partner and I went ourselves to the actual beach while barely anyone else was around, we played in the water and found shells and little crabs and a big horseshoe crab, I never seen a horseshoe crab in real life before it was so cool! We also saw dolphins in the water with us, we both have never seen dolphins like that up close and all. I remember we were swimmin and I just saw a big thing with a tail from afar and I said "Honey I think I just saw a big thing with a tail ??" and they were like "what where" and then we saw like four dolphins swimmin and coming out of the water all over, some were like twenty feet away they were so close ! It was so cool I wish I could have took photos.
I've been getting into some new dorky hyperfixations, I feel I'm allowed to have them now that I've moved out. Lately I've been really into Star Wars, obsessed with Darth vader/Anakin, siths and dark side force users in general, I really like the bounty hunters like Han Solo and Boba Fett, I like Darth Maul a lot too, I like pretty much the gray jedis/ dark side force users most. My s/o hopes to take me to Galaxy's Edge for my birthday, they said we can build lightsabers there and see Darth Vader n eat Star Wars food and it sounds so cool (and expensive). Another thing that seems to be becoming a hyperfixation, DC Comics in general but definitely Superboy and Young Justice and Batman and the show Gotham and all the early 2000s DC shows. I think I'm gonna be Kon-El for halloween maybe, I still have a hard time deciding but I think Kon-El will be the pick for me.
I guess thats all for now, I like ending my blogs with a positive so I guess my positive will be that I've been playin Resident Evil 4 lately and its been really fun and I really like it. I've been playing it while my partner plays on the PS5 parallel play style and its been nice.
-TW: Brief mention of suicidal ideation-
Wow its been a sec since I've written in here, a lot has been going on I guess. A lot of shitty things happened, my partner had to stop me from killing myself because I just feel like I would be better off dead or starting over sometimes. My friends said they're glad I didn't do it but I don't understand why they even care to be honest. I dunno I'm a sad sack of shit I guess.
Some more adulty things happened, not sexy adult things but boring adult things, one of my insurances ended on me, since I have separated parents they each have a different insurance for me, one of them ended recently and the other insurance doesn't cover everything so I've had to pay for some stuff out of pocket n such. My gym membership annual fee came out and put me in the negative and since I have a shit bank, they charged an extra 32 dollars because I was in the negative, so I went really in the negative. Luckily I get paid soon and my s/o exists to help, they get paid sooner than I do so I just borrowed the money to get me out of negative land. The insurance and negative balance were both real shit because I also just so happened to start feeling pain in my lower right abdomen. I got scared thinking it could be an appendix issue and went to the urgent care and the doc didn't help a lot. He said it could be kidney infection, bladder infection or appendicitis, two things that can be fixed easily with antibiotics and one that can be fatal, great. He said I should go to the ER but I didn't because lack of insurance, I just figured if my appendix bursts and I die, I die. The doc did get me some antibiotics and I have been feeling better I think but I am still a lil scared, I have bad bad health anxiety. Either way, I plan to drink more water and be more conscious of what I consume, I was slacking on it recently because its just cheaper to eat like shit sometimes but I intend to look into more options for healthy meals. Another thing we did, we looked into some open apartments near us and found some nice ones but two of them fell through. At least the one is returning our $110 application fee, most places don't do that (in my state they can legally keep it even if they deny you). It sucks that those two didn't work but there are still more, I just hope we can find something, my mom is crazy and she takes our money because she has no job and I can't stand her.
I saw my boss play! Omg it was actually so fun I had an awesome time, I had to leave early because pain in kidneys and my partner gets overstimulated easily but I had a great time. There were some other bands there who were so so talented, rap metal type shit, Diegression,8088, Downset and Throdl. I know the buttons are bulky but the links to those bands are there if youre interested. Ah yeah and the one my boss played in was This Is My End, he has three different bands he's in but I saw him play for This Is My End, either way, all the bands we saw were so talented !! These are all smaller bands so the crowd was small but the pit was even smaller, there was like four people. I went n fucked it up in the little pit and there was a younger girl there who wanted to go dance with her dad but she was scared because the others of us were all grown men, so I approached her n encouraged her to come to the pit and she got the courage to do it and she had a good time ! After This Is My End, we went to their merch table to get shirts and unbeknownst to me, this lil girl and her dad went and bought bracelets from Throdl and she gave me one ! I am never taking it off I almost cried it was so sweet. Honestly I went too hard in the mini pit my calves are KILLING me I had to use my cane to even walk today. Note to self, be mindful and listen to your body before you over do it.
As a happy lil send off for this blog entry, I'll tell you about an encounter I had at the local 7/11. I was pulling in to get gas before work and I stopped because I saw the biggest moth ever sitting in front of the pump, he was huge !! I went to the next pump over and ran over to him, I poked him and he didn't move. I thought he was dead so I went n got a bag from my car to retrieve him, I figured I'd at least take him home and frame him instead of leaving him to get hit at a gas station. When I started putting him in the bag, he moved and tried flying, it spooked me ! I got him in the bag and moved him to some grass out of the way so he won't get hit and when he tried flying he couldnt exactly get up. His wing was hurt so he couldnt fly right and he tried going back to the parking lot and I told him nono you go in the grass, I moved him over to the grass and he seemed content there from that point. I said my goodbyes and left him, but I did take photos of him which I've included one in the scrapbook to the left if you wanna look, he was so big and pretty. Moral of the story, help people (or insects) when they need it, it'll make you feel good inside.
4/28/24-TW: Brief mention of self harm-
Ow my body hurts, I've been workin out. I really like working out but I'm awful at holding myself to habits and stuff so I have a hard time remembering to do that stuff. Me n the s/o got ourselves a gym membership and we do some workouts at home so we have that kinda thing all figured out hopefully, I wanna have muscles ! When I was younger I was really really sad with myself for not being muscular, I hated feeling weak and small and I still have that insecurity even now. I feel like at my current size I'm scrawny and weak and just kinda ugly overall I guess. I hope to change that I really do, I don't want to feel bad anymore.
Speaking of not feeling bad anymore, I have the final update to the blog post trilogy of my ex. The outcome is great ! We had a genuine deep chat and I think maybe were friends now ???? Maybe ???? I see us as friendly, We talked a lot and expressed wanting to just let the past problems be a problem for the past. It finally feels like our breakup is a weight off my shoulders and not clinging to me to keep me up at night anymore, the situation was complex and emotional for both of us but we have both changed and talked it out like adults would. I'm proud of both of us for having this strength to figure it out. While we did chat I think its safe to say we're both a little nervous about this still, he seems nervous, I'm definitely nervous, but how I see it thats alright, nervous doesn't mean anythings wrong or something, its new and a lil weird for both of us and I get that. Theres no rush of course.
The Taxpayers are playing at the local venue in July and I wanna go to that, in June I'm seeing my boss's band there, thats so crazy. Hes such a talented and nice dude, once he helped me through a breakdown at work. I work at a department store and I was in the clothes department, I had some coworkers who enjoyed psychologically torturing others, especially me. They held me to standards that they weren't applying to others, one of them acted like she was a boss when she wasnt, they never did their work and they made me freak out after being two faced like that for like nine months. I ended up buying razors to cut myself that day. My boss found out and pulled me to the back room with another boss and while I was scared n freaking out, they helped me. That was the day my boss guy moved me to the furniture section of our store, now I actually enjoy my job usually ! My coworkers are pretty nice (I literally only have two of them) and the work is good. Moral of the story, my boss is awesome for moving me to the furniture section and hes a talented guitar man.
I feel like I don't have much else to say I guess so here I am signing off.
Just sent my friend off with her friends up to wherever shes going on vacation, I have no idea where they're going lmao but they seem like cool people and I think she'll have a great time up there. Her ex is messaging her the absolute weirdest shit, saying that he misses her and regrets doing what he did, she isn't falling for that. He kicked her out and tried to bring her back, tried making her feel pathetic to bring her back and calling her a dick when she doesn't come back. She posted a pic of her smiling on snapchat and he told her to take it down because she looked sad, she was LITERALLY SMILING. I told her that he wants her to be sad, he was trying to almost implant this idea into her mind.
The other day we went to her exes place to get her stuff, at least some of it I guess. She cried a lot because it just hurt to be there but what hurt more is how much of a two face the exes mom was. She called the exes mom, she was the only one home, to let her know that we were coming to get her shit and as we pull up to the place, we see the exes mom coming out and driving off with the dog. This hurt because at like 1 AM the other day the mom texted my friend saying she "still loves her" as if she was a mother to her. My friend saw her as a mother in some ways, her and her ex were together for four years and the exes mom was the only real mom she had for that time. When we got there no one was home and the place was in its usual state, a mess. I never went inside so I never knew the state of it but my god, it was a wreck, a biohazard. My friend acted like that was usual meaning it literally is always like this. She was sleeping in a room smaller than a closet with all of her stuff on the floor, none of the rooms had doors, they all had sheets over the doorways. The toilet was messy and didn't work right, the tank didn't have a lid and she had to put a soap bottle in it for it to work right ?? I don't even know. I noticed the exes mom left with pork on the stove in a pan, next to it was a sink with mold in the dishes. There was random stuff all over the floor, it was hard to not step on anything. My friend didn't have a choice but to live here because she had nowhere else to go. I'm glad we got her out and I hope she run off with her friends to get piercings and tattoos and dye her hair and wear crazy clothes and party, she doesn't need to worry about a curfew with her friends, she doesn't have someone constantly regulating what she does, she can be free, as any 22 year old should be.
I wrote about my ex in the last one and I guess I have more to say about that. My ex read my blog post on here for some reason, told me to unblock him and said he'll be nice. I couldn't decide what to do with this, I freaked out and so my s/o messaged him asking whats up. Apparently my ex is confused on why I avoid him because he forgot our breakup due to a memory condition related to abuse. I can confirm he had some shit happen when we were kids, I don't doubt that and I don't doubt that he has some medical problems from such, but because of trust issues and who I knew him as before, I feel like this has to be a trick or something. He misremembered/lied to my s/o about a detail from after our breakup, he said I had him followed on socials after we split. I didn't and I know that because I was made to unfollow him by someone else. A lot of the reason I avoid him is because of someone else anyway, less him and more the actions of someone else. He just gives my body the same reaction as this other person, I would like this to change and I don't know if it can.
Another thing from my ex, he wrote a blog post on his website about me, saying I act like I'm scared of him and such, whatever, my ex isn't intimidating but if he wants to feel that way then thats fine, what I'm fucked up about is that after a sec, he erased part of his blog post about me. Before, it said at the end that he hopes I see him at the local venue and that he hopes he makes me sick or something, I screenshotted it before he changed it to show it to my friend, but now that end bit is no longer there. Why was that erased, why ? If he doesn't remember our breakup, why does he say im so scared of him and that he hopes he makes me sick, I would think he would remember if he has so much resentment toward me. Either way, I don't care to cause any drama or something, I really don't, if thats what this blog post will do then I will delete it and we can go back to being strangers. Ex, since I know you're reading this, I did unblock you on tumblr if you care to message, we do not have to, I don't mind. If you want me to delete any blog posts about you, I can, I just write these to vent.
All this stuff with my ex has been opening up old wounds, not from them personally necessarily but from someone else in that time of my life. I've been making vent art about it which kinda helps and I might see the doctor for something that was caused by all of that stuff, five years ago. I know its not good to put off something like this for five years but I was just scared to do anything about it, I felt like I couldn't. I have an appointment with a therapist soon, maybe I can talk to them about the mental impact of that stuff because it hurts. My mind generally pushed it out for a while but with this situation with my ex, it just makes me feel like I'm in the same spot again, same exact thing. I feel like im falling apart, this shit hurts man.
The nice ending for this blog is that my friend is finally free for her vacation, I'm really happy for her. Fuck abusive shitty guys who give you a curfew and make you feel bad when they dump you ! I also added to my etsy a little, its carpenter bee season which means I can sell my most popular item ! People have always loved my carpenter bee specimens and I have one for sale finally, that makes me happy. I also plan to add more stuff soon like kandis and maybe bone jewelry. I need to stop plugging my etsy on here geez, I'll stop my rambling here, I'm out.
Alright more shits happening lmao, my friends homeless. Her shit boyfriend dumped her while she was in the car, 40 minutes away going to hang somewhere with friends. He was all pissed because she wanted to hang with friends instead of staying at home with his ass. So now she's couch surfing with us until this thursday when she plans to go on vacation with a friend who's been apartment hunting, hoping they can move together n all that. I don't know what that'll be like, I don't know if she'll be able to move with that friend or what, its a lot of we don't know whats going on.
Her boyfriend said "I'll let you spend this next week "enjoying the modern woman experience" and then you can tell me what you want", as if her independence and freedom is something bad and she would just come back to him after. He literally doesn't let her do anything man, no tattoos or piercings or dyed hair or going out or fucking anything. After he said that he then said "I'll let you stay with me until your vacation" and she didn't reply, ten minutes later he said "I take my offer back, you're being a dick" like she would take it at all. He's literally insane, he even said he'd wanna go after an amish woman because my friend "wouldn't be the woman he wanted her to be" and like fuck man, you're not hot enough to be entitled like this. All in all, he sucks and I hope he suffers.
Another thing with me, an ex of mine is acting a little weird I guess. We dated middle school into high school and split like five years ago and ever since I've blocked him where I can and ignore him n all that, as you do with an ex, he recently has expressed that he doesn't like this of me. To be real, I thought he avoided and ignored me too, I figured he wouldn't wanna be around me or talk to me. He sometimes comes to my place of work, when he does I ignore him because 1, I'm at work and 2, I don't care to chat. He said he wants to know why I ignore him but why does he care, he has a clear distaste for me so why is he trying to get my attention..? He said to my s/o like last year that he never wanted to speak to me again, so I don't know if he changed his mind or what but I just don't feel the need to talk I don't think. He once had his boyfriend message me asking about my side of our breakup and him saying "I didn't tell [____]" just made me realize, the boyfriend most certainly did have my ex involved in that. I didn't tell them anything about my side, my ex did this once with our mutual friend before, not long after we split he had our mutual friend ask me about it then they sent a video where the friend says, "you say that but" and my ex comes in and goes, "here's the truth-" and I just didn't process whatever else they said. I get it, we were kids and kids can be petty but that did hurt a bit, I thought that person was a friend y'know.
The other day I found his tumblr and tried to block him but accidentally followed, after that I immediately blocked him, I guess he remembered my username though and went on my tumblr, he found my neocities and such, sent a message on my guestbook asking why I ignore him and what my problem is, as if its weird to ignore your ex. He's also been sending me anon messages on tumblr, I know its him. He's acting like some stranger in the messages and its weird, I can't tell if he wants to talk, wants info about me, wants to be friends, I don't fuckin know. I know its him because he asked if I listen to a band thats playing at a venue near us soon, I didn't plan on going but I think he wanted to see if I was, after that message he said he'd be seeing this band in about a week, thats when the show at the venue near us is. He then said "I'll get out of your anon messages for now, you just seemed cool lol" or something like that, if he means that then okay fine, but I just don't understand man. His boyfriend has also said that I "seem cool" and I don't know what they mean by this, either of them. If you wanna chat without namecalling, malice intentions, blame tossing and all that then maybe we can but I just feel weird about it, I guess.
A lot of shit happened aound that time and theres some parts of our breakup that I don't know if he knows, I don't know if I care to tell him either because if he doesn't believe me that'll be a whole thing. If he would want to talk about the past and if he would believe what I say about my story then maybe I would talk with him because genuinely, things went poorly back then and I wish I could apologize but would he care, doubt it. I truly do not hate him, I really don't, we were kids at the time and high school sucks but if he hasn't matured, I don't think I would wanna chat, his anon messages and the way hes acting about me ignoring him is making me think maybe he hasn't matured since then. I really don't wanna like "smear his reputation" or make him look bad because hes an individual and I don't know him now, I knew him before. He knows about my neocities and might read this, if so, fine by me, don't know why you're here but do what you will with this I guess.
I've been trying to include at least one happy thing in each of these blogs if I can because it helps make life feel a little but better so my positive ending for today is that I had dunkin today, that was good, and I have a few days off so I can relax and dick off until I work again, which I looooove relaxing and dicking off. I might head to my special spot in the forest and get some bones because I've been meaning to do that, I collect bones and need more more moreeeeeee. I also am gonna add more shit to my etsy soon and I am so excited for that because I love sellimg my lil creations man its so fun for me lmao.
Alright I gotta go help my friend get her stuff from her ex while he isn't home, peace.
4/19/24 -TW: murder/attempted murder, abuse-
Fucking hell. I hate the US and its justice system.
A buncha shit happened with my s/o's half sibling and their mom. I'll spare the details and get to the point, my s/o's half brother tried to kill their mom a few days ago. He did other things to her like bruising her hip, huring her back and breaking her finger but that all wasn't enough, he literally attempted to kill her. Kids sixteen years old and has always been let off easily, never facing reprocussions for anything he's ever done, y'know. He recently was dumped by his first girlfriend and that I guess set him off, he's been running away from home and such. One day recently he ran away and my s/o's mom called the cops on him. The cops got him back home, the mom tried to take his playstation as a disciplinary action and thats when he got violent.
He hit her around and pushed her to the floor, not to mention the five year old sister was a witness to the violence. When she could, the mom called the cops and had him sent to a mental facility of sorts for the night. He came back and waited for her husband to leave, making the only people at home himself, his mom and his five year old sister, and he went, slammed his mom against the wall and started choking her.
After that he was kept in juvy for a sec during like the pre-trial stuff, he testified that she was abusing him and that he's unsafe at home, literally lying to them. The mom learned during the pre-trial that he would be charged with a felony and she then asked if she could drop charges. Sometime after the pre-trial he was sent back home because he said he also felt unsafe in the mental facility and at juvy, when he got home he displays that he's learned nothing because he asks his mother, healing from the bruises on her neck from his hands, for money to get a haircut. Then, a few days later came the actual trial.
The trial was today and the results benefit no one. They were going to sentence him to five years in jail(charged as an adult) and then six months of house arrest. The mom got scared and said she can't have him sent to jail. It resulted with his punishment being a family counselor and being put in an assailant rehabilitation program thing. All in all, he learned nothing.
Part of why this hurts me is because they're letting an offender get away with something he will obviously repeat. When I was in school, I was took advantage of and abused by a guy briefly, the school I went to got involved when it happened physically at school. The school asked about pressing charges but legally I couldn't because I was fifteen. My mom had to be the one who decided whether we pressed charges or not, they brought her to a separate room for it so I wasn't there. The school people convinced her not to do it because it would "ruin the guys life" since he was a kid in high school. He got away with it. When me and him split, he found another fifteen year old and did the exact same thing to her. This girl told me she wished we pressed charges before he and her started dating.
Essentially, I know my s/o's mom will regret not sending her kid to jail, I understand why she did what she did but this just means that all he learned was if he is to do it again, he needs to commit to killing her. My s/o and I are scared for her and the five year olds life.
Heres something a lot less heavy, I'm working on maybe makin music. I've been writing songs for a while and I know some guitar, I can't sing for shit but I plan to work on that. One song is about a group of people who create a toxic clique, I may have got the inspiration for that one from some of my coworkers lmao, and the others about an egotistic narcissist I once knew. If I can figure out how to produce music and get the right tools maybe I'll actually release them but I don't have high hopes for that.
So yeah, thats my current situation I guess. Sorry to trauma dump and get into personal stuff, but also not sorry because this is my blog and you chose to read this I guess, either way thank you for your time.
Still having a hard time with apartments, one of them actually replied to us but they expected us to pay way way more than what it was worth, slanted floors and a small one room apartment in a creaky building isn't worth the amount they wanted from us so we just turned them down. We also turned them down because 1, they had us pay application fees and then told us it was already occupied, and 2, they came crawling back to us when the other people "backed out" (their words) so we just felt like the quality and price didn't match and we didn't wanna put ourselves in a situation where we'd have a hard time paying for a place that isn't worth it when we're also not exactly ready to move yet.
The other day my car started acting up, the gauges seem to be broken. Its not overheating or showing a check engine light so I think its an electrical issue specifically. I now have to get that fixed, it'll be roundabout 200-250 dollars probably, and then I intend to get the title transfer done because my mom still has it in her name. I pay the insurance and drive it but she has it in her name still so I also need to pay for that, probably also 200-300 dollars. Money is obnoxious, capitalism sucks, I hate finances.
Something enjoyable; on the fifth I went to a show, I havent been to any shows since literally last year, too fucking long. The show was at a local brewery for the bands Huntingtons, The Jasons, The Queers and Koffin Kats, all very very talented. I saw The Queers last year so I've seen them before but they're timeless so I didn't mind of course, they're great. Koffin Kats were probably the band I was most hyped to see because I'm a huge huge fan of them but everyone was great and I listened to all of them before.
I got a shirt from Koffin Kats, a shirt from The Queers and a CD from The Jasons, I bought the CD from their literal drummer !! He signed it too after my friend asked him to for me since I was too shy, then he said that if we keep watch we might be able to find the other guys to have them sign it too, so thats what I did. I got 3/4 of them to sign it, they were all so nice. Maybe I'll bring the CD back so the fourth one will sign it lmao.
After meeting them I was also able to get a pic with Joe Queer him-fucking-self !! I got a photo with the man and he was so nice he was so cool. I also saw the Koffin Kats boys after the show but they were talking to someone else so I was too scared to say anything. I didn't get to officially meet them before leaving :C
The show was great it really brought the life back into me, writing ACAB on the bathroom wall and running around hitting and kicking and dancing in a crowd with like minded folks who I know won't judge me, being able to see talented people I admire playing in person and showing off their talents, meeting people who like me for me who are similar to me who will talk about like interests with me, people who protect others from the drunk guy tryna start fights in the pit, my people. It was so refreshing.
The show was great, I really feel like the show just gave me a new view on life, I need to go to more shows. Actually I will be going to another one on June 2, I do know that. I know I'm going because one of the bands thats playing has a member who I know personally. How, might you ask..? The guys my boss ! my actual boss from my stupid retail job is in a metal band and is playing a show for real, thats so sick I literally HAVE to go see him of course. His music is really good actually, very talented guy.
And that was my blog for today, internet therapy I guess. I'll be back when something interesting happens.
Shits been hard. My s/o and I are trying to move out of my moms place (we've been living here for about two years at this point and we've been trying to move out pretty much since we've moved in) and it's proving to be almost impossible. We've been applying for various apartments, we've paid non-refundable application fees and were still denied, the whole shebang. We have five cats, thats the big kicker for us. We would have a lot more options if we didn't have five cats but our cats are the loves of our lives so we are keeping them with us and moving them where we go. Most places here either allow one cat or no animals at all so we plan to lie about the amount we have, apparently people do that all the time.
Something else thats been hard, I'm driving a vehicle that the title is in my moms name still. She's been telling me lies about different parts of title transfers and car insurance, claiming its more expensive than it actually is, saying I have to be 25 in order to have the insurance in my name, things like that. I think shes trying to prevent me from doing it, she doesn't want us to move out and she doesn't like when I do things that make me independent.
When I got my license she told me "well, you don't need me anymore" in like a somber sorta tone. That bothered me because I think she was trying to get me to say like "nononono I still need you" because she enjoys having me relying on her. My family has always been like that, my grandparents love saying "what are you gonna do when were dead and gone?" anytime we need their help.
The hard part is, they don't let us be independent. My grandparents, my mom, no one in my family wants the others to be independent and I think its because they all kinda rely on each other. My mom has us go to the store when she doesn't want to, she has us or my grandparents pay for things when she can't, which is always because she doesn't have a job. She has a boyfriend who does have a job but she doesn't ask him for help because he's a selfish immature prick who wouldn't spend a dime unless it somehow benefits himself. My brother relies on my grandparents, he lives with them and uses their car, and my grandparents probably enjoy it because it makes them feel like they matter. They like feeling like they matter by making others rely on them.
As a kid I wasnt allowed to shower myself or choose my own clothes until about middle school. My grandma came into the bathroom stall with me and turned around if I had to use the bathroom in public as a kid. I drank out of cups with lids that heavily resemble sippy cups for most of my childhood because they didn't trust me to not spill. I had to take my pills in the kitchen and show them under my tongue to prove I really took my pills because they didn't trust me. Any boundary I tried setting they would break because I was the kid and everyone else was adults so they "didnt have to listen to me". It's always been hard to be independent in this family and now that I'm working on breaking off and being independent, my family is getting a bit antsy trying to do things for me and discourage my independence.
Its a breath of fresh air to have my s/o in my life with me, they help encourage me to grow and be myself, while my family smothers me. My s/o encourages me to try new things and go to new places, my family never wanted that for me, change and new things always scared them. I'm so blessed to have my s/o at my side while I work my way around life as an independent and unique person.
They give me hope.
So this is my first blog entry thing on my personal website, crazy. I think I'll add to this more later like when I need to vent or just wanna jot down whatever I'm going through.